Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jaundice : Day 2

Jaundice is a term that is used to describe a yellow coloured tinge to the skin, and a yellowing of the whites of the eyes. The body fluids of someone who is affected by jaundice can also become yellow in colour. The medical name for jaundice is icterus.

Normally, the liver ‘picks up’ bilirubin and it is filtered by the kidneys before being excreted (passed out) of the body in urine. If there is something wrong with the liver, or the biliary system (which produces a waste substance called bile), an excess amount of bilirubin is produced. Jaundice is caused by the build up of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a yellow coloured substance that is produced when red blood cells are broken down.

Neonatal Jaundice
Jaundice is common in newborn babies. It occurs as a result of the liver being underdeveloped and not fully functional. In most cases, neonatal jaundice is nothing to worry about. It requires no treatment and usually disappears after a week.

Jaundice in adults and older children
Jaundice that occurs in adults and older children is usually a sign of an underlying health problem. There are three types of jaundice

Hepatocellular jaundice

Hepatocellular jaundice is the most common type of jaundice. It occurs when bilirubin is unable to leave the liver cells and cannot be removed from the body by the kidneys. Hepatocellular jaundice is usually caused by liver failure, liver disease (cirrhosis), hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) or by taking certain types of medication.

Haemolytic jaundice

Haemolytic jaundice is when too much bilirubin is produced as a result of a large number of red blood cells being broken down. This can be due to a number of conditions, such as anaemia or a problem with the metabolism (the way that the body produces and uses energy).

Obstructive jaundice

Obstructive jaundice occurs when there is an obstruction (blockage) in the bile duct, which prevents bilirubin from leaving the liver. This type of jaundice is usually caused by a gallstone, a tumour or a cyst in the bile duct or pancreas.

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